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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Once again...

So once again I completely forgot I had a blog and stopped bloging. That's until I was talking to B. and I remembered about it... So updates:

1. Got back from Spain a week ago. I'm still tired and jetlagged, but getting ready for the other trip (back to school). This year, for a change, I'm actually excited to go back... Maybe in a couple of days I'll be regretting this, but this looks like a promising year, even with all the drama that was last semester and the shift in relationships it caused. But it looks like it's going to be fun. EKOs (my sorority) are living in a house with another sorority, Zetas. Historically there hasn't been an actual relationship with them, beyond a couple of girls from each group being friendly, but it could be good for our popularity and the way the campus sees us... I'll probably write about it once I'm living it, if I remember...

2. Spain won the world cup, YAY! Finally, it was a crazy party there after the match. And we went to celebrate by a fountain, unfortunately I had to go to Pays Basque after and they don't enjoy being Spain very much. But I got to enjoy it anyway.

3. I hate death, but that was a known fact... My mom's godmother died a couple of days and it was horribly sad, because she was basically alone most of her life, with the apparition of friends and family every so often. But she had a horrible character that kept people at bay most of the time. Never married or had kids, but lived a full life, despite her physical and even mental limitations. She will be missed... But her death lead me to realize something, I really hate funerals. Specially the part where they lower the person that died to the ground or slide them into the mausoleum and you realize you'll never see that person again, at least not while you are alive or ever if you don't believe in such a thing as the after life. It sucks.

4. Also I hate cancer with a passion, not only for taking this great woman, but also for threatening my grandmother. She was recently diagnosed with bone marrow cancer, and while I know that's probably the last thing that will take my grandma away from us, I know it will make her life hard in her last years of life. And it's not like she can get a chemo or something like that because it wouldn't work for anything. She's 86 and has a plethora of sicknesses. Chemo would just add to her misery and increase her pain. I decided I'll leave it all in God's hands, he knows what he is doing, and that I just have to be ready for anything, mentally and spiritually.

5. As part of the toughening up I promised myself to do, I'm starting to reevaluate my relations with others and thinking about friends and if they are really friends or if they are worth me worrying for them, when I know they might not really care about me. And I realized that with this reevaluation, in Honduras I only have the grand total of 4 real friends, and two don't even live here. I mean, the others haven't even tried to contact me, even if they know I'm here and I don't feel comfortable contacting them because they all have their lives and mine is sort of paused right now. Like they all have school, work, significant others going on, and that's not bad, but I want to see them more than just once. I'm starting to doubt friendships, even if I'm to blame as well because I haven't been keeping in touch with them. Damn Sagittarius character and my "ADD" that make me focus on what's going on in my closest surrounding and forget about about those who are far and I don't see as often. I'm trying to change I swear, but they don't make it easy. And then they blame me, and that just makes me angry... I really need to start controlling that as well.

6. I wear glasses now and have shorter hair... Nothing to say here, really. Just that I was diagnosed with hipermetropia and I always wanted to have Rihanna's hair cut.

7. I love Assassin's Creed 2 and I think I might have developed a crush of sorts on Ezio... Damn Italians get me every time.

8. And talking about crushes, there's a def new crush on this amazing guy called David Gandy. Totally drool and so many other things worthy. Gorgeous blue eyes, tall, dark, and really handsome, with a body that can kill me... If only real guys, as in not gay guys that you get to meet in your everyday life, were like that. Or maybe they are, we just don't notice.

Those are all the updates I can think of. But I have a horrible headache right now that makes thought process almost impossible beyond what I wrote. Maybe tomorrow I'll come up with something new and I'll remember to write here more often.

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