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Monday, May 24, 2010

Begging of Week 2

After a pretty uneventful weekend I'm back. I realize I'll write stuff as long as I have the tab of the blog open, so it's been open and I haven't forgotten about it. No fretting! So, like I said, I had a pretty uneventful weekend. Quite boring actually, the only highlight was that I had to teach Math. I love the subject, I really do, but I hate teaching it! It's just so frustrating to know everything that's going on and not being able to come with the right words to explain it, and making everyone around you understand. But well, my students didn't really help... They were my brother and my cousin, and year after year I try teaching my brother, but he always fails, so mayhaps my technique has been failing. We'll see how he does this year, hopefully he passed with the grade he needed.
Another interesting thing that happened this weekend, actually today, is that my grandmother decided to go to Europe a couple of days ago, and is currently on her way there. She's 80-ish years old and while this trip is a really bad idea, overall, it is commendable that the old lady still wants to go to Europe. And even more than she has the mental strength, probably not physical though, to plan a trip like this amazing! I mean, I'll be doing a slightly lighter version of that same trip in a couple of days, and I'm dreading the whole thing. And I'm 20! My mother and the rest of my family are going crazy with the bad planing and the trip itself, but I can't help to laugh and hope the best for my grandma on her travels.

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