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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fail... And Ponderings

Once again I failed, rather horribly, at keeping a blogg... I suck at this... But now I'm going to try once again to write everyday, so beware of really boring entries over the next few days.

Anyway, updates in my life... Let me see. A lot has happened since I last wrote this. First off, I finished my second year at Wooster and now I'm a rising junior. To be completely honest, I'm freaking out about this. Second of all, I joined a sorority, which is a little shocking because I'm not the sorority type, at all, but I can't bring myself to regret the decision, at all. I love it, and I love the girls I can now call my sisters. Third, it's been almost a year since the last post, and this year was probably one of the worst of my life so far. First semester was alright, but second semester... Well, it was rough. I don't know what's up with me and spring semesters, but they are always bad ideas. But I made it through, almost without any bruises but with new knowledge about myself and my image to those around me, and it was quite interesting. Fourth, and probably most important, I made new friends that I hope will last a life time, but we'll see how that goes.

I want to touch on the perception of my persona part for a bit, because, as always, I am being very vague. Turns out that the fact that I have strong convictions about how things should be in this world, and also a pretty strong set of morals, hinders people from telling me important things... When I was told this it hurt, a lot. I didn't know how to react or what to say other than saying sorry. But then I came to realize I can't be sorry for that, and while I'm still at a loss of how to react to this or what to do, my roommate's words start to make sense "People are ashamed of their actions, and they think you'll judge them because of your strong morals." This statement led me to another question, do I want to give up my morals and my sense of right and wrong to gain these peoples' trust in these particular matters (boys and whatnot)? The answer scares me, even if it shouldn't. I can't stop believing something is right or wrong only because I want to be part of someone's life, I already changed far too much of myself for them to change this one thing I know in my very core is true. The people that told me this are important to me, they are the closest to me and I want to be part of their lives, in every way they would allow me to be, don't get me wrong, but what they seem to imply with this comment... I don't know.

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