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Monday, August 23, 2010


Ok, so nothing really excited has happened lately, so I have nothing good to say, besides that I bought a new pair of shoes and I can't take them off. They are a pair of Vans, with really a really tripy design. My mom says they make her dizzy and that she'll take them to the store and paint them when I'm not looking but I love them! But since I can't write about my shoes, because that's just shallow, I'll write about what's coming up and why I might take a while before I update again. Also there are some fun news in the making...

So, in a few days I'm heading back to school. I don't really want to leave, but I have a feeling this time it won't be as hard as last time. I think we're all realizing that this is bound to happen and that it is coming to an end soon, I mean I have only 4 more semesters left in school and then there's this HUGE question mark looming in my future. But that will be solved soon, I hope. I just need to get my act together and figure out exactly what I want of life... I make it sound easy. But anyway, back to the subject, yeah, I'm leaving and starting my third year at Woo! It looks like a fun year in the making and I hope my bad luck is finally ending because it will suck otherwise. Drama will probably ensue, but hey, it's life as sucky at that is. Overall I'm excited and a little nervous about it all. But I'll do my best to write every so often and order my thought, my apologies in advance for any one who stumbles with this.

Second news that might be fun. My dad got offered to do the Honduran version of "Dancing with the Stars"! LOL!!! It's a laugh in the house, like we're all saying he should do it, but I think we all want to see what crazy thing he'll come up with if he does. He says he doesn't want to do it because he's going to make a fool of himself and because he has no rhythm. Well, that's part of the point of this thing, isn't it? Famous people, in Honduras' case people that appear on the news every so often, making a fool of themselves and trying to win over everyone. I really hope he does it, not only would he have a really good chance to do something good, but he'll have fun and my mother and I will get a couple of laughs from it... LOL!

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